Enfoque Intercultural
Novedades en el Profesorado de Inglés

Como parte del nuevo plan de estudios de la carrera, los estudiantes de 4º año están cursando “Enfoques interculturales”.
El desarrollo de la materia comenzó con la lectura de autores africanos y asiáticos con el fin de presentar una visión de la lengua extranjera que contemple la diversidad de culturas angloparlantes. Los estudiantes abordaron diferentes temáticas y conceptos como lengua franca, estereotipos, migración, diáspora, multiculturalismo, asimilación y adopción de culturas.
Se trabaja con distintos materiales, como la charla TED de la escritora nigeriana Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, que hace alusión a los peligros de escuchar y conocer "solo un lado de la historia". El texto, "The Thing Around Your Neck", de esta autora, dio lugar a que los alumnos y alumnas analicen diferentes realidades y reflexionen sobre hechos que aun hoy siguen ocurriendo en África y que no son tenidos en cuenta.
Además, los estudiantes escribieron poemas en inglés en relación con el material trabajado. Esto les permitió no solo aprovechar el manejo que tienen de la lengua extranjera, sino encontrar un espacio de reflexión donde poder expresarse sin necesidad de obtener una nota numérica.
Según la Prof. Ma. Sol Boigliotti, a cargo de la materia, “fue muy gratificante ver que las actividades propuestas fueron bienvenidas y poder ofrecerles ese tan necesario espacio dentro de este nuevo tiempo”.
Algunos de los poemas de los estudiantes
By Candela Ortiz
“At first you felt you were lucky
Your dream became a reality
Out of the blue
They tied a burden around you
Then you met him
You found someone at last
Yet everything was not what it seemed
And you will be able to adjust
You felt exoticized
Slowly dehumanized
Condensing smiles you wanted to erase
Just surprised by the couple of mixed race
Then the news from home just came
It tore you apart
But you decided not to stay
And free yourself from the burden in your heart.”
By Facundo Genssler
At first you felt you were lucky
Your dream was coming true
But then struck reality
They tied a burden around you
Then you met him
you worked on your issues with trust
things were not so grim
And you will be able to adjust
You felt exoticised
your dignity compromised
Saw the disdain on people’s face
Just surprised by the couple of mixed race
Then the news from home just came
and your life fell apart
but you got up all the same
And free yourself from the burden in your heart
By Federico Giménez
At first you felt you were lucky
Your dream is what you pursue
But something felt sticky
They tied a burden around you
Then you met him
You thought he was a fuss
Keep your mind loosen
And you will be able to adjust
You felt exoticized
As if you were part of a maze
You felt magnified
Just surprised by the couple of mixed race
Then the news from home just came
Which made you feel torn apart
But you knew you would remain
And free yourself from the burden in your heart.
By Chiara Brutti
At first you felt you were lucky
Your dream was to settle and study
Your fear and terror grew
They tied a burden around you
Then you met him
your days were completely grim
yet you chose to trust
And you will be able to adjust
You felt exoticized
and also analysed
they looked at your face
Just surprised by the couple of mixed race
Then the news from home just came
And you didn’t know who to blame
Luckily you decided to depart
And free yourself from the burden in your heart