Una gran experiencia / A great experience

Tuvimos la oportunidad de visitar la Embajada de la República Argentina en Japón, donde fuimos muy bien recibidas por el Embajador, Alan Bèraud y el Ministro Felipe Gardella. Con ellos conversamos sobre algunas costumbres de Japón, los vínculos con la Argentina y nuestra actividad en el 19º Foro Internacional de Educación de la Morioka Chuo High School. Por la tarde, una asistente cultural de la Embajada nos acompañó amablemente a realizar una visita por los barrios de Harajuku y Shibuya.

While in Tokyo, we visit the Embassy of Argentina in Japan. There we were received by the Ambassador Alan Bèraud and the Minister Felipe Gardella. We talked about several topics concerning the japanese culture, the links with Argentina and our activity in the upcoming 19th Chuo International Education Forum. In the afternoon, a cultural assistant of the Embassy took us for a walk around the Harajuku and Shibuya neighbourhoods.














I am a teacher of art and design at the secondary and university levels. I am also deepening my studies in education and new technologies. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, making cultural visits to museums and exhibitions, as well as going to the cinema. I wish that this experience gives me the possibility to know new cultures as well as to generate new links.

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